Sunday, March 31, 2013


This is me and two of my 5 sisters, all decked out for a hundred years ago!  I'm the one with the funky purse, stringy hair and knobby knees!  But hey...I'm all about accessorizing!
 Put on your Easter bonnet (with all the frills upon it) and enjoy your day!

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Nothing like a last minute Easter project, right?  But this is more about a sign repair really.
I picked up this little block sign a couple of years ago at Marshall's when I was visiting my friend Judy in Arizona.  However, it didn't look like this......
It was on the clearance shelf and it was broken, sad, $2.00 and it looked more like this....
 It was obviously missing something on the top.  The sales clerk said she thought it was an egg at one time, but it had broken off where it was glued down inside.  You can see it here...
I had a plan, that did not include Easter for this sign, but I never got around to it.  This year, when I pulled it out of my box of Easter decor, I had an even better idea for it, that did involve Easter.  First things first....I drilled out the little peg that had broken off in the top, as well as drilled 4 little holes in the front corners.
I found a wooden egg at Hobby Lobby.  I spray painted it with just some primer.
 I drilled the little hole in the bottom out so that a mini dowel rod would fit into it.
To add just a touch of pretty to the front of my sign, I hot glued some buttons on to the ends of some little pegs that I made out of another mini dowel rod.  
I thought they were a little too plain, so I stuck a little pink gem in the center.  Much better. 
Almost done now....I trimmed some washi tape and applied it to the egg.  Then twisted the long dowel rod onto the base and pushed it into the new hole in the top of the sign.  I stuck the little buttons into the four holes in the corners and this little Easter sign was up on my shelf, with a cute little cast iron bunny sitting on top, just in time for the holiday.....barely.   But, there's another reason for this last minute project.  Oh yes!  Come back next week and you'll see this cute sign with an entirely different look, one I like even better than this....
    Happy Easter everyone!      

Friday, March 29, 2013

Looking Down - March Self-Portrait Challenge

My dear friend Amy at While Wearing Heels hosts a once a month self-portrait challenge and I have been a big chicken about doing it. 
While Wearing Heels
Oh I've wanted to do it, and I've been somewhat of a voyeur, checking out all of the other pictures, but take a picture of myself? Gahhhh!
But it bugged me and lurked in the back of my thoughts.  I missed the first month, then the second, when the theme was "Reflections", which were so awesome that I was just blown away.  (You can check them out yourself HERE.)  Still, I hesitated.  Finally, I did what I always do when I need to make myself do something that scares me....I TOLD someone that I would do it.  (Yep, that's usually all it takes for me to get off my butt and do something.)
That very week we had snow.  I love snow and we get so little of it here in SW Missouri, so I did something I always wanted to do, I went outside barefoot in the snow.
Bare naked toes in the snow.  It felt cold, but wonderful!  Then...I just kind of wanted to lay down in I did.  (My little dog was in the window looking at me like I was crazy.)  It was kind of fun, but it was also cold, so I snapped a quick picture and came back inside to my warm slippers and my hot coffee.
 What surprised me the most when I downloaded this picture to my computer was not the fact that I had on no make-up, nor the fact that I hadn't even fixed my hair yet, much I was smiling!
It was a silly thing to do, all by myself on one of the few days we had measurable snow, but I did it...and I have a picture to prove it!
Thanks Amy!  

Linking up to Amy's wonderful party sometime later today!
Now won't you be a brave soul and join in as wellThere's a new theme every month!
While Wearing Heels

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Facebook and Bloglovin Hop!

It's blog hopping time!  We are so happy to be joining together to bring you this  Bloglovin' Blog Hop to help grow our blogs.   The recent news of saying goodbye to the Google Reader leaves us all wondering will Good Friend Connects be next?  It's always a great idea to have many ways for friends to follow to your blog. 
We were so excited to host our first Bloglovin' Hop last week!  Each week we will also rotate one other social media to follow.  This week we are featuring Facebook along with bloglovin'!
A huge thank you to everyone who joined us last week.  We hope you made some new friends!
Please follow each hostess, and leave us a comment so we can return the follow!
We would love to feature a co-host each week, so please send one of us an email if you would like to be a co-host.  
Please link up your bloglovin' follow link.  To find your URL, just click on your follow by bloglovin' button.  Copy and past the URL link.  
Thank you so much for joining us!  We hope you make many new friends and followers each week.  
Not mandatory, but we would love for you to share our blog hop button.    That's a great way for us to all gain new friends. 
Your Modern Family
Danni  Silo Hill Farm    
Doreen @  HouseHoneys
Kathe @ Kathe with an E
My Photo
My Photo
Please make sure you link your bloglovin' and Facebook URL link, and not your blog.   It makes it so much faster for your new friends to find you!  

Add your bloglovin' links here:

1. Joy @ Yesterfood  43. de Jong Dream House  
2. Serenity You  44. Clean Lean Mommy Machine  
3. Restoration Beauty  45. Le Petite Paradis  
4. Unorthadox Momma  46. Pams Party and Practical Tips  
5. Diane @ Vintage Zest  47. Fairhope Supply Co.  
6. Deirdra Doan  48. Lindsey B @ High Heels and Training Wheels  
7. Your Modern Family  49. Linda @ With A Blast  
8. We Three Crabs  50. Simply Suzan  
9. Menopausal Mother  51. L o t t i  
10. Househoneys  52. Little Miss Celebration  
11. Drinking From My Saucer  53. ChiChi PomPous  
12. Magical Wreath Co  54. Call Me PMc  
13. Susan Cooper  55. The Redeemed Gardener  
14. Reasons To Skip The Housework  56. Silo Hill Farm  
15. Bows and Pearls  57. SewsNBows by MayenDesigns  
16. The Thriftiness Miss  58. Tobeys Trash or Treasure  
17. KELSEY @ STORIES OF KEL  59. One More Time Events  
18. What We Keep  60. Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie  
19. Kirb Appeal  61. Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG  
20. Danielle @ Sew Much Crafting  62. Jessica@View from River Mountain  
21. Frugal Foodie Mama  63. twelveOeight  
22. Susan@ Rustic ReDiscovered  64. mail4rosey  
23. Donna @ Distressed Donna Down Home  65. Liz @ The Quick Journey  
24. Evelyn @ My Turn for us  66. Rustic & Refined  
25. Dixie n Dottie  67. Plucky's Second Thought  
26. ARod@Makinmyaptahome  68. Spatulas On Parade  
27. pabla en casa  69. HongKongChic  
28. Gail@Purple Hues and Me  70. Memories by the Mile  
29. Rhonda @ The Messy Roost  71. ~ Megin of VMG206  
30. Kathe With An E  72. Cairn Cottage  
31. LoblollyLane  73. Ya Gotta Have a Hobby  
32. OldThingsNew  74. The Cottage Diaries  
33. OldThingsNew  75. SimplyyMayra @ PonderWonders  
34. The Adored Home  76. Powerful Mothering & I am at home  
35. nap-timecreations  77. TAO...  
36. Craftiments  78. Danielle@Peanut Life Adventures  
37. Simply Me ( Designs by Gee)  79. Poetry In A Pot of Tea  
38. My Honey Bunch  80. Evocative Vintage  
39. StoneGable  81. Easy Living Mom  
40. Tuula @ The Thrifty Rebel  82. Denise... On a Whim  
41. Sincerely, Paula  83. SILVER LINING  
42. What Happens at Grandma's  84. The Em Dash: DIY, eats, life  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Add Facebook URL here:

1. Life on Lakeshore Dr  35. Toni Lotti  
2. Unorthadox Momma FB page  36. Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance  
3. Diane @ Vintage Zest  37. Cindy@Little Miss Celebration  
4. Selene @ Restoration Beauty  38. ChiChi PomPous  
5. Drinking From My Saucer  39. Call Me PMc  
6. Your Modern Family FB page  40. Silo Hill Farm Creates  
7. Ava & Isla  41. SewsNBows by MayenDesigns  
8. Menopausal Mother  42. Bargain Hunting and Chatting with Laurie  
9. Ramblings of a Christian Mom  43. Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG  
10. Househoneys  44. Joy @ Yesterfood  
11. Reasons To Skip The Housework  45. Serenity You  
12. Just Dip It In Chocolate  46. twelveOeight  
13. The Thriftiness Miss  47. Liz @ The Quick Journey  
14. Danielle @ Sew Much Crafting  48. Deirdra Doan  
15. Frugal Foodie Mama  49. Plucky's Second Thought  
16. Susan@ Rustic ReDiscovered  50. Titicrafty by Camila  
17. Donna @ Distressed Donna Down Home  51. Spatulas On Parade-Facebook  
18. Evelyn @ My Turn for us  52. HongKongChic  
19. Juggling Real Food and Real Life  53. Memories by the Mile by Wanda Ann  
20. Makin My Apt a Home FB  54. Sew a Fine Seam  
21. pabla en casa  55. ~ Megin of VMG206  
22. Kathe With An E  56. Ya Gotta Have a Hobby  
23. OldThingsNew  57. The Cottage Diaries  
24. The Adored Home  58. SimplyyMayra @ PonderWonders  
25. Simply Me ( Designs by Gee)  59. Danielle@Peanut Life Adventures  
26. Jen @ de Jong Dream House  60. An Extraordinary Day  
27. Le Petite Paradis  61. Helen's Decor  
28. Pams Party and Practical Tips  62. Evocative Vintage  
29. Cynthia at Feeding Big  63. Summercrafter  
30. Tuula @ The Thrifty Rebel  64. Easy Living Mom  
31. One More Time Events  65. The Vintage Estate  
32. Lindsey B @ High Heels and Training Wheels  66. The Pin Junkie  
33. Linda @ With A Blast  67. Denise... On a Whim  
34. Suzan@Simply Vintageous... By Suzan  68. The Em Dash: DIY, eats, life  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


When Talya from Grace Grits and Gardening contacted me and offered to do a guest post here for Silo Hill Farm, I was so thrilled!  She has a wonderful blog and has guest posted for us at the Inspiration Cafe as well.  If you don't already know her, you should be sure to check out some of her posts as she never disappoints!  Take it away Talya.....

I am not a crafty blogger, but I do love to make homemade baby gifts.

I made this mixed media piece for baby Haley, my friend Jenny's new daughter. 
Haley Frances Rolland

Although the project takes several hours, it is fun, creative, and not as difficult as it appears.


Blank artist's canvas
Mod Podge
Scrapbook paper
Vintage buttons
Vintage rick rack
Scrapbook stickers
Pictures from old children's books
Glue Gun
Scissors / Paper Cutter

I know, I know, I KNOW it's sacrilegious to cut out pages from books, but I buy these books specifically for this purpose at estate sales and at Half Price Books to lessen the pain...

I also buy stickers and scrapbook paper on sale from Michaels, Hobby Lobby and Target, knowing I will eventually find a use for everything.
sheet of scrapbook paper - various colors/prints

vintage buttons

When I prepare to do one of these projects, I never have a plan other than the general theme. In this case, 'baby girl' theme. On my computer, I printed lines from Mary Had A Little Lamb, substituting Haley to make it personalized. This phrase becomes the backdrop for the project. I glued this first piece of scrapbook paper onto my canvas with Mod Podge, then began adding layers of paper.

gluing rick rack along side
The key is to layer and layer and layer the canvas with pieces and strips of scrapbook paper coating each side and seam with magical mystical Mod Podge. The more layers the richer and more interesting the finished piece.

Allow coats to dry before adding more layers. If you tear a piece of paper, no worries. Add another piece. If two pieces just don't seem to work side by side, glue on a button. (Buttons should be adhered with hot glue rather than Mod Podge...)

Don't forget to decorate the back with your name and date.

Remember, this isn't supposed to be perfect. It's hand crafted.

Note:  This project isn't exclusive to baby gifts...I made the following piece with drawings of my puppies and pages about dogs from vintage books. Favorite sports team is another fun theme. You are limited only by your imagination.

Lucy and Annabelle
Have fun!


Grace Grits & Gardening

p.s. This is the gift I made several years ago for Haley's big sister, Samantha.

Thank you Talya!  I love this project and although I have never tried a mixed media project, I love the "no rules" idea, the possibilities are endless.  Looks like a great scrapbusting project as well!  I look forward to giving this a try! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Wednesdays "Bloggers I Admire" posts are some of my very favorite posts to write!  The blog world constantly amazes me with all of the talent and creativity it holds and Linda @ With a Blast is one creative blogger.  I never know when I visit her blog if I'm going to want to grab my glue gun, my paint brush, my hammer or my spatula, because Linda does it all and she does it in South Africa!
 I love her blog and her projects.  She also has a great new "All My Bloggy Friends" link party with another great blogger, Jamie from Love Bakes Good Cakes.  It's a great party so when you're finished reading this post, head on over and link something up!  You can get to the party by clicking on the image below.
Now, please take a look at some of Linda's favorite posts, and then I'll show you a few of her projects that I love!

First up is this  beautiful bench that she made out of an old toy box, which is very cool...but you won't believe what that back is made out of...
Blanket Box Bench
 The next time you're throwing a party, you're going to want to give this 90 Minute Sweet Party Platter a try!  Six different fillings, all on one post, using those pre-made frozen mini pastry shells you always see in the freezer section and want to try.  Just click the link below the picture and "pin it" straight from Linda's blog!  You'll be glad you me!
90 Minute Sweet Party Platter
 These candles are the cutest and they started out as some fairly boring containers.  With Linda in the house, they sure didn't stay boring for long!
Easy DIY Candles
All of the above are just fabulous projects that Linda chose to share with you.  Now, please let me show you a few of her projects that I love.
With summer coming on, I'm in the mood for salads and when Linda posted this salad last year, I knew it would be one that I would make over and over.  It's so easy and has everything I love in it!
Avocado, Cherry Tomato and Corn Salad
 Now this next project is in my all time favorite DIY Hall of Fame Projects!!  Seriously....who wouldn't love a little extra storage space and this project gives you plenty!  I can think of a couple of places I could use this.....
DIY Grocery Slider
I'm pretty sure that Linda is responsible for a few of the extra pounds I have put on in the last year, so when she posted this recipe, I was pretty happy because, it's not only delicious, but it's got some yogurt in it and that makes it healthy right?
Polenta Cake with Orange Syrup
Finally, I couldn't post about Linda, without showing you one of her amazing "Smash Cakes"...
Valentine's Smash Cake
Uh huh....a chocolate heart filled with chocolate candy...what's not to love here?!  
Yep....Linda makes some  really great stuff!  I'm working on a knock off of one of her projects this week and hope to share it with you soon!  So if you want to see some more awesome projects from halfway around the world...head over to With A Blast and check out Linda's blog.  While your there, don't forget to link up a project at her party!
Thank you Linda, for all of the inspiration (and a pound or two!) that you've given me!  Thanks for being such a good blog friend too!  You're awesome!      

Monday, March 25, 2013

Inspiration Cafe - NorthShore Days Opens a New Series

We're excited to bring you a new series at the Inspiration Cafe.  For the next 5 Mondays, the girls are going to be sharing a food dish from our heritage, culture or that has special meaning to us.  At the end of this series, we're going to have our first link party and ask YOU to link up a dish that is special to your culture or heritage.
Natalie from NorthShore Days is kicking this series off with Durban Beef Bunny Chow as she grew up in Durban in South Africa. (Did you know that?)
 Looks delicious doesn't it?  Just click on the global door to the Inspiration Cafe and we'll take you there to see what this delicious Beef dish is all about. 
Do you have a dish from your heritage that you would be willing to share at our link party?  If so, write a post about it sometime during the next 5 weeks and then come back here the last week of April and link it up!  Should be some global fun!