Monday, March 2, 2015


Finding a shelf for my bathroom proved to be a bigger problem then I thought it would be.  I wanted a shelf that was narrow and long and had plenty of room to hold pretty stuff.  I finally found one when my friend Judy was visiting and we were poking around in stores in Bentonville, Arkansas.   It was an ugly little thing and needed some TLC, but now it looks much happier.
This little shelf holds some items that I dearly love, including a few items that were made and sent to me from another blogger.  More on that in a few minutes, but first, let me show you what this shelf looked like when I bought it.  
I couldn't decide if someone had tried to distress it or if they had dropped it several times or maybe both.  It was extremely wobbly and very chipped up.  When I decided to take it apart, I discovered that it had been assembled wrong in the first place which was why it was so wobbly.  Easy enough to fix.  
This shelf was going up on a white wall in my bathroom so I decided to give it a little paint.  When I disassembled it, I realized that there were a lot of little parts to this shelf.
I decided to use some Annie Sloan Chalk Paint on this project.  (I have no idea how to make the trademark symbol in blogger, if you do, please let me know.)
I used Annie Sloan Pure White and Provence.  I found that little bathroom cups work quite nicely to hold small spindles and spindle caps for painting.  
Better already don't you think?  I gave it all a coat of Miss Mustard Seed's Clear Wax and put it all back together.
Now remember I said I had received a few gifts from a blogger?  Perhaps you already know Amy from Stow and Tell U.  She's a gem and lives near my hometown in Illinois.  She made some of these very cool Mason jars covered with fishnet.
Decorative Fisherman Netting Wrapped Jars
You can see how she made them by clicking on the link below the picture.  I fell in love with these when she posted them and they were on my "to do" project list.  I couldn't believe that she sent me three of them.  Two of them you'll see here in this post and the other lives in my beach themed bedroom which I'm saving for another post.  She also sent me this really pretty soap that was made to look like beach glass.  It smells divine!  She picked it up on her trip to the East Coast.  A trip that I too hope to make some day. 
Here is the info on the box, just in case you want to check out their website.
Thank you Amy for thinking of me while you were on your trip and for sending me those cool mason jars made by you!  I knew when I opened that box, that I would want to use these things in my new bathroom, but at that time, I still hadn't found my shelf.  However, they have a new home now!
I love this little display shelf and it looks especially cool at night, casting lovely shadow on my new bathroom wall.....
I'm such a candle freak!  I have an entire candle cabinet.  Maybe I should give that a makeover next.
Thank you again Amy for the lovely jars and the wonderful looking beach glass soap!  You are such a dear friend.  
If you would like to see a quick overview of Amy's great projects, just check out her Project Gallery.  She is one creative and talented blogger for sure!  


  1. How sweet! I adore Amy!!! Your shelf looks fabulous with all those cute bits and bobs on it!


  2. I am in love with the shape of thie shelf, Danni. And everything you put on it is perfect for your "Coastal" theme :) The Mason jar is fabulous.

    Thank you for the lovely words over at Tuula's - you are a such a dear and I greatly appreciate you. Happy Monday!

  3. You have special paint and wax now? The shelf is beautifully painted, and you did such a great job with the display. Love those Mason jars - lucky you.

  4. That looks so pretty, I'm a huge fan of anything beach themed. I've just become interested in decorating glass jars and have been looking for new ways to try, these are perfect!

  5. Just can't say enough how you have such a knack for putting things together! This is absolutely charming! And I'm going to take a look at how Amy wrapped her jars - so in vogue! What great friends you have, Danni!

  6. Girl! You worked that shelf over! It looks really good in your bathroom. You've got a pretty collection there. Amy is a sweetheart! Love her projects too. Hey, you know this is known as a "vignette" You did good friend :-)

  7. That makes me want to take a warm bath in your beachy candle lit new bathroom! Sweet gifts and perfect for you. One day I'll get off my butt and send you your towels. ;)

  8. All that distressed paintwork would have definitely looked out of place in your new bathroom. You've done a great makeover and styled it perfectly, I love the jar wrapped in netting.

  9. That looks great now that you reworked and painted the whole thing! It is perfect for display and has kind of a beachy look, I think. Love what Amy sent you. What a nice friend. xo Diana

  10. Madly beacheriffic! I love how skinny it is, so perfect for a small room. Great makeover, Danni dear!

  11. It made me laugh that you said you weren't sure if the shelf naturally distressed itself with time or if someone took a stab at distressing it because I have made some pretty bad distressing attempts. It's a little harder to do than one would think, lol. Thanks so much for sharing my fishermen netting jars. I'm just so glad you like them and the soap. The shelf makeover is gorgeous. What a find!! Team Danni and Judy pulled if off once again!

  12. It made me laugh that you said you weren't sure if the shelf naturally distressed itself with time or if someone took a stab at distressing it because I have made some pretty bad distressing attempts. It's a little harder to do than one would think, lol. Thanks so much for sharing my fishermen netting jars. I'm just so glad you like them and the soap. The shelf makeover is gorgeous. What a find!! Team Danni and Judy pulled if off once again!

  13. fantastic! Glad you were able to take it apart and assemble it correctly. Love the aqua color

  14. Danni,
    Your shelf re love is great. I love the way you displayed all your beach decor for your bathroom. Amy was so sweet to send you the jars. Everything looks so great.

  15. Beach-you-tiful. Once again, I shall be inspired by you taking the shelf apart and doing it all properly, it looks great. Those jars are perfect for your decor, as is the sea glass soap! Way to go, Amy.

    (Trademark symbol: Alt + 0153 ) ™

  16. Oh Danni, that looks so perfect. Love the two colors you used on your shelf. You really are perfecting the beach theme through color and design. Love it all.

  17. It looks great Danni. How sweet to get such pretty gifts for your shelf. FYI to make the trademark symbol in blogger...Press the ALT key and type 0153.

  18. Yet another beautiful project! LOVE that shelf. I, too, am a candle freak. I've got five around my big tub that I will light no matter when I'm taking a bath--morning or night.

  19. Your shelf vignette looks so pretty Danni! I love that Provence blue. It's so fresh with the white. It was so sweet of Amy to think of you. Love her jars, and that one looks perfect on your beautiful shelf.

  20. Holy cow, did you really take that whole thing apart? You did, didn't you.

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  21. You're too much Danni! Can't believe you took that shelf apart! You've got patience to spare!

    Amy is a doll, and so are you! Glad to see you're back blogging. (I'm finally catching up after being away.)

  22. Oh, wow! I love it! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Advnentures

  23. I'm a little late to the party but wow!!! That looks so pretty Danni. I must add, you have great patience! Love your new treasures. They fit perfectly with your new shelf!

  24. That is so beautiful Danni - LOVE !!!
    And that mason jar? Perfection !
    The trademark symbol?
    Press ALT and 0153 - and it magically appears

  25. Oh Danni I love it, it's looking beautiful. I'm a candle girl too :) and I light them because I think I'd rather use them than have them for show.

  26. I thought it was alt174 but sometimes it doesn't work so I keep it in a word doc and copy paste it. The shelf looks great!

  27. I love the shelf you made. It looks so pretty and I love the paint color. Thanks for the nice compliment on the wreath I made.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  28. Your shelf looks wonderful! The colour is amazing and fits perfectly to the items on it.

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  29. You did such a great job, and that is amazing that you took it apart.

    I wouldn't be able to get it back together.

    Enjoyed visiting,
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  30. Hello, Sweet Friend - 'Stopping by to be inspired! I hope all is well with you and yours! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  31. Just checking in to see how you're doing Danni? Hope everything is ok and you're enjoying your time off, but hope to see you back soon!

  32. I love it! Great job on refurbishing the shelf!

  33. I MISS YOU!! I hope you are doing well, sweet friend. Just wanted to let you know that you're on my heart and mind. {{{hugs}}}

  34. Such a great job!I love the paint color!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  35. Still missing you, Dani! I hope you are well and enjoying the lovely spring. Hugs!

  36. Hey there Missy...I emailed you a while back and maybe I had the wrong address...I miss you! Where are you? I hope you are well.


  37. The coastal display shelf is so beautiful..

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