Saturday, February 8, 2014


It's somebody's birthday today.  I had a plan.  I had planned to go visit her and surprise her with these......

Now this person is not a big drinker.  In fact I can probably count the times I've seen her drink on one hand.  (Although I'm sure it's probably happened a little bit more than that, but get the idea.)
Anyway, as I said yesterday, the weather is not my friend lately and next week I hope to be working hard over at the new house, so, I will not be making that trip any time soon.  I'm sorry for that. I know we would have enjoyed our visit and maybe even a little of this gift.  Just a little.  I kind of love this stuff and I'm not a big whisky drinker either.  But...toasted caramel?  I'm there. 
Now before you go thinking I've misspelled whisky, let me school you a little on that.  Black Velvet is Canadian whisky.  Canadians spell it W-H-I-S-K-Y.  As do the Scotts and the Japanese.  Other countries use the familiar W-H-I-S-K-E-Y.  My humble opinion is that I should give these distillers the respect of spelling it they way they named it.  
But...let's just say you've had a little too much of this wonderfulness and now you can't remember which way which brand is spelled.  Well, I can help you out with a little bit of mnemonics (which I could not spell on my own, even in a sober state)...
There ya go....makes the perfect birthday card don't ya think??
 But I digress....this is a post about some awesome whisky as a birthday gift.  Now you might think I should just craft up a cute, clever little package and mail it.  Well, I could certainly do that if  I thought I would look all cute in an orange jumpsuit or thought that prison chefs get their recipes from pinterest, but I know the first is not true, (I look hideous in orange) and I'm just gonna guess that the second is also not true, but if any of you have any first hand experience with eating prison food and want to dispute that claim, well, keep it to yourself.  It is illegal to ship alcohol via the United States Postal Service.  In fact, if you are shipping something that is not alcohol, but are using a box that was manufactured to contain alcohol, then you are supposed to "completely remove all logos and labels".  Okay, I know I'm guilty of NOT doing that. 
Again, I'm off point here.  
Black Velvet Toasted Caramel Whisky is the bomb.....even to a person who doesn't drink much (such as the person I purchased this for)  so getyasum.
I'm going to hope this wonderful person doesn't count the number of bottles in this picture too carefully because one may be missing soon.  I'm pretty sure I look just like Alannah Myles when I drink Black Velvet.  Check it out below...

Or I look like this....

As for the recipient of this awesomeness...hang'll get there! (most of it anyway)  I love you and you know who you are.


  1. personally I think you would look fabulous in orange sipping your whiskay ( that's how we spell and say it in Georgia) .

  2. AWESOME ( I know how much you love that word ) but this is an awesome post lol -
    I don't like whisky - ( even being Canadian ) but I can't tell you how much I love that song
    And I never new that trick with the E and minus the E lol - you learn something every single day.
    Canada makes some pretty incredible beers too.............just saying lol - ok going to listen to that
    song again -

  3. Cute! I think you need to get out your thigh high leather boots and leather jacket for this sip!

  4. Is she the best or what? God I love her !!!
    Thanks for posting that video - hadn't seen it in ages and ages - what a great song to have stuck in my head today !!!!!!!!!!

  5. I always stop to air jam to that song, no matter where or when! How could you not??? I want to sip some of that toasted caramel whiskey (with an E) while wearing those boots, while riding that horse... dreaming on, over here. Happy birthday to the lucky whiskey recipient!!

  6. Haha... of course I had to look up how we spell it in South Africa {yeah, just checking up on you!} Now, I have always spelled it Whiskey .... which according to you is wrong {no E in South Africa..} Anyway, apparently, as with most SA whatnots, we take it "both ways" --- not my words, Googles ! I used to enjoy a whisk{e}y now and then, but never had anything called "Toasted Caramel" - being a caramel addict, I'm going to look for it soon !

  7. I LOVE their Cinnamon Rush flavor. I haven't seen this one. I'll keep an eye out for it!! Sounds DELISH!

  8. Who knew? Thanks for the bit of trivia this morning. The "whisky" sounds yummy. It's probably a good thing that you and I don't live close to each other. We'd most likely have tooooo much fun!

  9. Us Canadians and our spellings… I hate that my computer automatically defaults to American. I'm not a big drinker but this sounds yummy! Have you tried Maple Whisky? If not, you should. It's delicious.

  10. Thanks for the whiskey/whisky lesson. What a fun way to remember the spelling.

    I am not a drinker so i don't see myself trying it, but I might look for some for my family.

  11. That is one of my favorite songs! Toasted caramel... I bet it would be tasty with your caramel corn recipe! ;-) -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  12. Oh, no. This past summer my neighbor invited me to imbibe in caramel flavored moonshine. I didn't drink much of it but I was still a wreck for 2 days. The taste of caramel now ruffles my feathers. Isn't that sad???
    (When the video started I thought perhaps I had activated the monitor camera. I'm wearing thigh-high boots just like that right now, to clean my house.)

  13. Hmmm really? I've always thought of it as whiskey although I never really refer to it as that, Crown Royal please! well, not anymore... What was this post about anyway?? I'm so distracted now. LOL!

  14. I'd like to try this too, and I hardly ever drink, but toasted caramel sounds yummy !
    Btw I don't know where we fit in, coz England has an E, yet we spell it whisky. Even Great Britain has an E, and the United Kingdom which covers us, the Scots, some of the Irish and the Welsh has no E's (though none of them like being lumped in with us !).
    I think we spell it like the Scots because that's where we mostly get our whisky and they'd be upset if we spelled it differently, and the Scots can get pretty angry !!!

  15. Love this song. Not a whiskey fan, though. Happy Birthday whoever you are! ;)

  16. Should've read the warning before reading the post because now I want caramel whiskey or whisky we don't have an e but I'm not sure how we spell it that's very interesting.

    1. Hmm same as Canada which is what I suspected since they tend to use UK English too which is interesting because England start with an E. this sounds like a topic one would discuss after a few lol

  17. By the birthday is in April, but I prefer Riesling or Sauvignon Blanc...

    Did you know it's "Scots," not "Scotts"? I'm just sayin'. Get you some Diana Gabaldon's Outlander...(I can be such a bit....). =D Heather will know what I'm talking about...


    1. HA! I don't always read all the other comments. Glad I did. And glad I know of that Scot she's talking about. Wicked, wicked smile.

  18. Do you have to wear black leather to drink the whiskey? They make me sweat uncomfortably. I have not drunk anything in decades, but this post and that video made the urge to have a drink quite strong, you vice mart person. I bet that b-day person does not get a drop of that caramel deliciousness. Here we just call it booze. We are not too discriminating.

  19. Danni, you do not have to mail me that whisky for my birthday. Remember, I live in Canada. I must admit, though, I've never had it. Alannah rocks!

  20. Oh my gosh....this sounds good, even though I'm not a whisky/whiskey drinker. And it was DL's birthday, but he doesn't really drink.

  21. I actually knew this as my daughter and son-in-law visited a few distilleries while in the UK....but then I forgot. Too much whisky or maybe it was whiskey. I can't remember but I'm sure it was a good party!! BTW, that is one cute baby! Cheers.

  22. What a fascinating post. I didn't realize there was a difference in how you spelled whiskey or whisky. I also didn't realize that you couldn't mail alcohol. Huh. I hope your friend enjoys her birthday treat.

  23. You are a nut. Happy Birthday to your friend!

  24. I'm so out of the loop on this one. I have never listened to country music. lol

  25. Awesome gift!! You're a hoot!!~~Angela

  26. I always add the e when I write whiskey just saying, also I like some types of whiskey, have never tried the one you mentioned but would like to because that is how I am, on another note, Happy Birthday, birthdays rock they are special days, in my opinion

  27. never heard of black velvet...but Moonshine? :)

  28. I enjoy the odd rye & ginger, I don't know if caramel whisky would be good with ginger ale. Yeah, most people I know say rye instead of whisky, even when I worked in the bars years ago. I bet my husband would enjoy it, he likes his rye straight on the rocks. I guess I don't go into our liquor stores often enough, I've never seen this Black Velvet whisky.

  29. God, I love this song! The original video for "Love Is" used to drive me crazy and even now I watch it at least once a year. Alannah had a camera attached to herself and we can see her long legs in red stilettos as she enters the stage. Here is the link, I hope you can see it:

  30. Ha - you look like Alannah Myles whether you are drinking Black Velvet whisky or not! My birthday is June 23 by the way....

  31. I don't like whisky but maybe the flavored type would be good!

  32. Great post, and loved the bit of trivia about the name. My father used to drink Crown Royal on occasion, and I remember grabbing those much coveted purple bags for storing my marbles. Wish I still had one, and since I don't drink Whisky, and my husband won't go near Crown Royal, I'm out of luck!

  33. Oh Danni, I've got to try this! I don't really care for whiskey, but anything toasted caramel has got to be good...I think we should use it to make frosting for cupcakes;)
    You are going to have to go back to the store after you drink all those teeny tiny bottles and get your friend some more of this, aren't you???

    1. Hey Danni, did you just add the "popular posts" to your sidebar, or am I just now noticing it after it's always been there (entirely possible, ha!).!
